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Can a Gluten Free Diet improve learning difficulties and behavior problems in several children?!
There has been a lot of talk and news about gluten. Until recent years, most people had never heard of gluten. It has always been a natural part of many of the foods we eat every day, but it had never been really studied until the emergence of Celiac, a disorder that is related to gluten. Then suddenly everyone was talking aboutthis protein.
And the questions were coming up - Is a Gluten free diet beneficial to children and help improve learning difficulties and behavior problems.
Gluten is a protein found in rye, wheat and barley. These grains are found in many foods and therefore gluten plays a large role in many people's daily diets. The new trend is to change the diet to be free of gluten.
Some people have started the gluten free diet because they have to in order to control their Celiac disease.
Others have gone gluten free because it has been said to be a good weight loss method.
Then there are some people who claim going gluten-free is beneficial to children and may just help improve learning difficulties and behavior problems.
Can a Gluten Free Diet Help With Common Childhood Issues? There has been quite a bit of study on gluten and how it affects the body. There is plenty of research that suggests it can cause problems, such are learning difficulties and behavior problems. This conclusion comes from the fact that studies show gluten reacts in the body in a couple ways that can affect the neurological system.
Gluten in the body causes a reaction that makes the body attack neurological tissues. This process of attack is called molecular mimicry. When this attack happens the neurological tissue can be destroyed or greatly damaged. When this tissue is damaged or destroyed it will caused issues with how a person functions. In children, it can be a root cause of learning difficulties and behavioral issues.Not only does gluten cause an attack on the neurological tissues, but it also has another shocking and frightening effect within the body. As gluten is digested it causes a reaction that is similar to that of morphine. The partially digested particles of gluten, called exorphins are just like morphine in the body causing all types of symptoms. The effects will cause a child to be drowsy and mentally unclear because the exorphins slow the central nervous systems.In a child with Celiac disease the effects can be much more severe, leading to a wide range of problems that stem beyond just learning difficulties and behavior problems.
These are the facts that gluten can be connected with neurological issues in some people, but could anybody ever proof it?
Well, there are several reports and observations that demonstrate that Gluten can be connected to Learning Difficulties and Behavior Problems:
1. Celiac Patients and Learning Difficulties and Behavior Problems
Celiac disease is a disease that affects the digestive system. It causes damage to the small intestine and causes issues with absorption of nutrients from foods. A person that has Celiac disease is unable to eat foods containing gluten or use products that contain gluten. Studies and research has proven that children who suffer from Celiac disease have a more likely chance of having problems with learning difficulties and behavioral problems. Studies have further shown that as early as six months after a child starts a gluten free diet, these problems disappear and the children actually show improvements in school.
2. Parents have reported that kids were better behaved and were better at school after removing gluten from their diet.
3. In Los Angeles the problem became very apparent to educators of schools in the area started banning gluten filled foods. Teachers reported after the ban that children were more focused and well-behaved.
The Controversy Over Gluten
As with any issue that involves learning difficulties, behavioral problems and medical conditions, there is plenty of controversy about whether gluten really causes issues with learning and behavior problems or if it is just another excuse for why children have problems and misbehave. It is hard to determine who to believe on the issue. There are some in the medical filed who completely believe all research backs up their claim that gluten causes these problems. Then there are some who claim it does not. Even more than that, what about the parents and the other people who see children every day and see how gluten affects them. Who do you believe? You have to consider some main points when decided the most reliable source. You have to decide whether science is the true indicator or if actually experience outweighs what science shows.
It is difficult to decide who is right since science has very definite answers, but experience can make it easier to believe. Each person has to look at their own situation. They should consider the good points and bad points to a gluten-free diet. Perhaps just reducing the amount of gluten or only giving children gluten products that are not loaded with sugar could be the best choice to help with learning difficulties and behavioral issues over completely taking gluten out of the diet.
Avoiding Gluten
If a child is diagnosed with Celiac disease or if it is believed that gluten is causing their learning difficulties or behavior problems, then there are steps to take to get gluten out of their diet. Gluten is mainly found in foods containing grains. There are wide choices in many gluten-free foods on the market and they are clearly marked. Food manufacturers have made it much easier for people on such a diet to still enjoy bread, cake and other foods without the risk through taking the gluten out of these products