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الموضوع: اسئلة ... مهمة .. للصف السابع .. :)

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  1. #1

    هام اسئلة ... مهمة .. للصف السابع .. :)

    unit :1

    المعنى بالعربي الكلمة م
    1 Adventure ( N ) مغامرة
    2 Break ( V ) – Broke – Broken يكسر
    3 Car accident ( N ) حادث سیارة
    4 Wheelchair ( N ) كرسي بعجل
    5 Operation ( N ) عملیة جراحیة
    6 Handicapped ( Adj ) معاق
    7 Chess set ( N ) لوحة الشطرنج
    8 Delicious ( Adj ) لذيذ
    9 Webcam ( N ) كامیرا الانترنت
    10 DVD player ( N ) DVD جھاز عرض أفلام ال
    11 Sweet ( Adj ) حلو – جمیل
    12 Wooden ( Adj ) خشبي
    13 Igloo ( N ) بیت من الثلج
    14 Temporary ( Adj ) مؤقت
    15 Traditional ( Adj ) تقلیدي
    16 Decoration ( N ) زخرفة – تزيین
    17 Goat-hair tent ( N ) خیمة من شعر الماعز


    PAPER ONE ( 50 )
    VOCABULARY ( 16 )
    Fill in the spaces with words from the list: ( 4 x 2 = 8 )
    operation – handicapped – adventure – webcam – DVD player
    1- A : Why can’t we park over there ?
    B : Because it’s parking for only the ……………….. people.
    2- A : How can you see your friends while chatting with them ?
    B : By using a ……………..
    3- A : Why is Hamad travelling to London tomorrow ?
    B : He’s going to have an ……………. in his heart there.
    4- A : What about jumping into the river ?
    B : It’s a great ……………… . I advise you not to do that.
    Match the words with their definitions: ( 4 x 2 = 8 )
    1- Temporary ( ) A chair without wheels used for people who can’t move.
    2- Wheelchair ( ) A house made from blocks of hard ice or snow.
    3- Delicious ( ) Continuing for only a short period of time.
    4- Igloo ( ) Tastes well.
    STRUCTURE ( 10 )
    Choose the correct answer: ( 4 x 1 = 4 )
    1- A : I’ve got a webcam.
    B : So ( has – have – having ) I.
    2- A : Ali ( have – haven’t – hasn’t ) a DVD.
    B : Neither have I.
    3- A : Thank you for ( his – your – my ) help.
    B : You’re welcome at any time.
    4- A : Ali is coming from England today.
    B : I know. He ( ‘s – ‘re – ‘m ) arriving after three hours.
    Do as shown between Brackets: ( 3 x 2 = 6 )
    1- Football. It’s interesting. ( Ask a question )
    2- I’ve got glasses. ( Negative )
    3- My uncle ( break ) his arm in a car accident last year. ( Correct )
    FUNCTIONS ( 14 )
    Match the following utterances with their reactions: ( 4 x 2 = 8 )
    1- Which kind of home do you like best? ( ) So do I
    2- I love this story. It’s very exciting. ( ) Let’s go for a walk.
    3- It’s a warm day. ( ) Yes, to keep it warm.
    4- A fire in the middle !! ( ) Goat-hair tent
    Write what you would say in the following situations: ( 3 x 2 = 6 )
    1- The Imperial Palace in China has got about 9000 rooms.
    2- Your friend looked at a handicapped person in a strange way.
    3- You liked the food that your mother cooked for dinner.
    SET BOOK QUESTIONS ( 5 x 2 = 10 )
    1- What’s your favourite thing? Why?
    a) …………………………………………………b) …………………………………………………
    2- How can we help handicapped people?
    a) …………………………………………………b) …………………………………………………
    3- Why do Americans like to build straw homes?
    a) …………………………………………………b) …………………………………………………
    4- Who lives in tents? Why?
    a) …………………………………………………b) …………………………………………………
    5- What have you got in your home?
    a) …………………………………………………b) …………………………………………………
    6- What do you know about the Great Pyramid of Giza?
    a) …………………………………………………b) …………………………………………………
    Unit 1
    PAPER TWO ( 50 )
    COMPOSITION ( 15 )
    Write a short paragraph about “Handicapped people” with the help of
    the following guide words:
    People – injured / can’t move / wheelchairs / difficult life – problems / people –
    strange way / laugh – them / like other people / help / love – kindness / give –
    wheelchairs / parking – ramps /
    My mother spends most of her time in the kitchen and my sister sometimes helps
    her. Last Monday, my mother was frying some fish when she heard the door bell
    ring. She went to open the door and left my sister Amna in the kitchen. She was
    washing the dishes. It was my father who came back home from work and forgot his
    keys in the car as he usually does. When my mother returned to the kitchen, she
    found the oil in the pan burning. My sister was frightened and she was crying.
    The kitchen was full of smoke. My father tried to put out the fire quickly. He
    covered the pan with a big piece of cloth, and then he opened all the windows
    because there was smoke everywhere. Luckily, we were all safe, but we didn’t have
    any fish for lunch as we always did every Monday.
    Choose the correct answer : ( 3 x 2 = 6 )
    1. The father usually forgot his ( bags – keys – clothes ) in the car.
    2. The kitchen was full of ( smoke – poison – money ).
    3. The oil in the pan was ( burning – hiding – boiling ).
    Mark true or false : ( 3 x 1 = 3 )
    4. The mother was frying some meat. ( )
    5. Amna sometimes helps her mother. ( )
    6. They had fish that Monday. ( )
    Answer the following questions ( 2 x 3 = 6 )
    7. How did the father try to put out the fire?
    8. What was Amna doing in the kitchen?
    SPELLING ( 12 )
    Circle the mistakes and write them correctly : ( 4 x 1 = 4 )
    1- An egloo is a temporory home for Inuit.
    2- The tradtional goat-hair tents of Bedouens are very comfortable.
    Write the short / long form for the following : ( 4 x 1 = 4 )
    1- I’ve got = ...............................................
    2- She is = ...............................................
    3- E-mail = ...............................................
    4- Can not = ...............................................
    Combine the following words : ( 4 x 1 = 4 )
    1- Agree + ing = ...............................................
    2- Break + ed = ...............................................
    3- History + al = ...............................................
    4- beauty + ful = ...............................................
    Copy the following two sentences in good cursive handwriting : ( 2 x 2 = 4 )
    1- I prefer being happy in an igloo to being sad in a villa.
    2- This year I decided to eat less and do exercise.
    Punctuate the following sentence : ( 4 x 1 = 4 )
    * i m visiting my uncle next monday

    انشالله تستفيدوون ...

  2. #2


    لاتظلمن اذا ما كنت مقتدر فالظلم آخره يفضى إلى الندم
    تنام عيناك والمظلوم منتبه يدعو عليك وعين الله لم تنم

  3. #3

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. تحضير الفترة الثانية للصف السابع 2
    بواسطة فهد البراك في المنتدى تربية اسلامية
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  2. ملخصات و اختبارات للمنهج الجديد للصف السابع
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  3. مراجعة للصف السابع الفترة الرابعة
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  4. تحضير الأسبوع الحادي عشر للصف السابع
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  5. اسئلة مهمة للصف السابع ..
    بواسطة طالبة مميزه في المنتدى العلوم
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    آخر مشاركة: 10-24-2010, 05:50 PM

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

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